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  • We Quickly & Accurately
    Calibrate Your Equipment

    Mechanical calibration of all types can be
    performed in our climate-controlled lab.

  • On-Site Calibration.
    Higher Productivity.

    Let us bring our calibration equipment to you!

Welcome to

Angle Calibration is a full-service calibration company. We specialize in in-house calibration, as well as calibration in our lab out of Troy, Ohio.

Carl Angle is the Owner & Technical Operations Manager at Angle Calibration. Carl has more than 25 years experience in the Calibration and inspection area and over 40 years in the tool and die industry. Angle Calibration was established in October 1990 and now services over 200 customers in the tri-state area.

Calibrate Accurately & Report Responsibly

Angle Calibration specializes in exceeding our customer’s expectations. We strive for quick turnarounds and will cater to your calibration and certification needs.

We Are Accredited By ANAB For ISO/IEC 17025View Our Accreditation & Scope
View Our Terms & Conditions